Hardware as a Service aka “HaaS” Goodbye Capital Expense, Hello Operating Expense

Why is Hardware as a Service one of the greatest ideas for your business than Excel speadsheets? Because with this new avenue you get to minimize your risk with outdated hardware and licensing, as well as reduce your overall capital expenses. Every companies accountants dream.

Lets think about this here. How many pieces of equipment do you have running your business that are just old, or out of date, or in general its time for a refresh? Many times this is postponed for one reason in specific. CAPITAL EXPENSE! Than after you start to really see the affects to your companies efficiency, or lack there of due to malfunction or antiquated hardware will cost you more in downtime then it does directly to your pocketbook. That’s why Northern Technology Services has decided to bring Hardware as a Service (HaaS) to our clients.

Our team at Northern Technology Services can provide you with all the devices you need to run your business! While this is normally limited to just Firewall Appliances, like our Sophos UTM Solution, we have increased our partnerships and our ability to provide you a complete HaaS solution for your business!

This includes:

  • Servers
  • Workstations
  • Access Points
  • NAS Devices
  • Essentially any piece of IT related you could need

No Upfront Cost to Upgrade

Simplify your hardware renewal into your monthly service plan

Just like any of our Managed IT Solutions, our HaaS solution comes in the form of a simple monthly recurring subscription. Hello Operating Expense, Good Bye Capital Expense! Since no upfront payment is required, you can get your new hardware up and running without anxiously waiting for a giant invoice. Spreading your payments out in an affordable monthly rate allows you to incorporate your HaaS program into your budget while keeping your technology up to date. Before your equipment becomes obsolete, we replace it. It’s really that simple!

Gain Peace of Mind with HaaS

With one of the best HaaS solutions in northern Michigan, Northern Technology Services will show you how to eliminate the unncessary burden of rebuilding your budget after a major hardware expense. The freedom of having your hardware tied directly to your Managed Services subscription gives you a peace of mind, and lets you know that an affordable monthly rate will keep all of your technology up to date. As an added bonus, all support, remote monitoring and management, and protection is included with all HaaS devices in accordance with the device type! Further simplifying your IT within your business!

Ready to learn more about HaaS and your business?

Contact Northern Technology Services today! 231-881-3123 or info@ntsmanaged.com